How to Increase Your Sales
Part One
Over the next ten days leading up to our seminar March 27, 2018, “How to Fill Your Sales Pipeline with Vast Numbers of Qualified Leads.”
I will share a Sales Tip each day outlining how you can become a Black Belt in Sales and take your current level of success in sales to a higher level by modifying your current sales strategies or adding what I am recommending.
For sure, sales professionals could be much more successful at prospecting, closing sales, capturing more market share, outpacing their competitors and increasing sales profits and or commissions.
So to begin you need to be open to a new perspective.
From there your mind will be open to new ways of selling. A new perspective will influence a new or modified activity which will impact your results.
One of the perspectives or beliefs that contribute to sales people not being as successful as they could be is the belief everyone is a prospect for the sales person’s particular product or service. Or the sales person has a less than precise model of their ideal prospect opportunity.
Because of that belief, sales people waste too much time prospecting the wrong perceived opportunities and following up on prospects that are not true business opportunities and will not contribute to their sales or quota.
Also, some sales people invest too much time and effort on a small business opportunities that will not generate the profit or commissions to justify the amount of effort and time invested in the opportunity.
Demographic Data:
The size of your prospect measured by the gross sales
The size of your prospect measured in number of employees
The size of your prospect measured in dollars and size
The position and title of the decision maker
The geographic location of your prospect measured in
Non-Demographic Data:
The negative issues your prospects experience, which your product or service can fix
How those issues impact your prospect negatively
How the impact or negative experience of those issues erodes their profitability
To learn MORE about to increase your ability to be more successful in sales check this out CLICK HERE