How to Win More Business Through Personal Introductions and Referrals

There are unique moments in time when we are presented with rare opportunities that turn our lives around. It is times like these we need to make decisions and commit to a new course of action and turn hard times into outstanding successes.

So here is the proposition.

First, a Three Way is when the Ideal Prospect of your dreams is invited by your Center of Influence to join you and your influencer for a Ccoffee, lunch or other social setting. During the get together your Center of Influence sets the stage for you and your Ideal Prospect to learn about each other.

You learn about each other’s values and principles and pave the way for your Ideal Prospect to invite you to a next meeting.

At the next meeting you continue to build a relationship and open up opportunities to work together.

Now,how many of these types of meetings would you need per month to hit your sales figures for the year with your current close ratio?

Now what if you were to learn new sales skills and how to shorten your sales cycle,increase your close ratio and......

Have A Winning Strategy to fill your sales pipeline from introductions, referrals and three ways

  • Have control of the amount of personal introductions and referrals you receive

  • Discover how to have referral sources referring to you as their priority

  • Work off Personal Introductions and Referrals instead of hunting for new business

  • Produce more sales in a shorter period of time
